Fruit Logistica 2019
The annual Fruit Logistica was held in Berlin, Germany from Wednesday, 06 February until Friday, 08 February. The Karsten Group was represented by representatives from: - Karsten Group, Karsten Marketing ,Horizon Fruits Logistics, Hydix , Horizon Fresh Fruits Exports, Timerfruit, Nature’s Bridge, Karsten Europe, Karsten UK.
Fruit Logistica maintains a very important position in the annual fresh produce calendar as it brings together all role players in the industry (e.g. growers, importers, service providers, retailers, equipment manufacturers, etc.) in one location in the world over a 3 day period to discuss items of mutual interest, to review the last 12 months in the supply calendar and to the plan the next 12 months – 60,000 to 80,000 visitors and exhibitors normally attend the 3 day conference in Berlin.