Services we offer
Storage Services
Chilled storage is available on site at Karsten UK's facilities off Enterprise way, Pinchbeck in Spalding Lincolnshire.
The chilled stores, fully racked out, offer flexibility to cater for the needs of our customers.
Store 1
- 528 pallet spaces
- 174 pallet spaces on floor
Store 2
- 215 full pallet spaces plus
- 49 half pallet spaces
- 55 full pallet spaces on floor
- 23 pallet spaces on floor
Store 3
- 308 full pallet spaces
- 83 half pallet spaces
- 92 full pallet spaces on floor
- 20 half pallet spaces on floor
Store 4
- 704 pallet spaces
- 230 pallet space on floor
Chilled stores can be run at temperatures ranging from 0°C - 15°C … 24-hour monitoring of temperatures.
5 loading docks allow for speedy loading and off-loading of pallets.
Receipt / Dispatch area can hold 260 pallets – direct access to chilled and production area.
Full quality inspection and quality control services available on site to inspect product on arrival and / or despatch as per customer requirements.
Full pallet picking, break down and re-stack services are available on site to react to customer requests and demands
Packing Services
Equipment cater to deliver the following services:
- Sorting / Selection of product
- Labelling (both product and packaging)
- Punneting / Netting of product from bulk
- Heat Sealing, Flow Wrapping, Netting of punnets
Equipment also caters for weight control / management as well metal detection
Prepared Fruit
Karsten Prepared is a prepared fruit facility offering a multitude of white label, branded and co-branded convenience food solutions.
Read more.